The teachers in our Reception class are Mrs Densham and Miss O'Brien.
The practitioners at Etching Hill aim to provide every child with the best possible start in life, developing a secure foundation for learning. Every child is unique and the practitioners provide an enabling environment to ensure that each child’s individual needs are met. The Reception teachers ensure that the criteria and framework in regards to EYFS profile are followed, working alongside parents and professionals to provide a safe, secure and happy environment for your children.
The foundation stage works towards the Early Learning Goals (ELG) and they cover the following areas;
Prime Areas
Communication and Language (CL)
Physical Development (PD)
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Specific Areas
Literacy (L)
Mathematics (M)
Understanding the World (UW)
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)
The practitioners in our Reception class recognise the importance of play in a child’s education and provide indoor and outdoor learning opportunities for the children. The classroom is fully equipped to provide learning opportunities for all. Children can choose to access the outdoor learning environment where riding bikes, exploration activities, den making, and digging in the mud kitchen are just some of activities on offer. We aim to provide an enabling, challenging and safe environment to encourage the child’s confidence and self-esteem. The children are the foundation to learning at Etching Hill Primary School. Activities and learning experiences are provided to encourage and allow children to play through spontaneous and planned purposeful activities, through the prime and specific areas of learning.
In Reception class, we follow the Ruth Miskin Literacy scheme to teach reading and writing skills. Practitioners model and scaffold the appropriate learning for each child, they allow the children to demonstrate ‘Sustained Shared Thinking’, where they work together with practitioners to enhance their own learning journeys and develop their growth mind set.
In order to provide the best possible care for a child, communication is of the upmost importance. As primary care givers, we feel parents/carers have a greater knowledge and understanding of how their child learns. Parents/carers sharing any up-to-date information about their children is encouraged and staff feel it’s relevant to help aid in a child’s learning. We encourage parents to contribute to their child’s learning journey through ‘Tapestry’ our online journal, noting any achievements or milestones.