year 2



Miss Grace and Mrs Burton are delighted to be teaching in Year 2.

During year 2 we will develop our skills as writers through our increasing grammar knowledge. We will focus on understanding the use of things such as conjunctions, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, noun phrases and adverbial phrases and how to use these features within a variety of text types. Our Genre focus changes throughout the year but we aim to see the grammar skills taught being used as a way of improving our writing.

Alongside this we will focus on accurate spelling of common words and words with specific spelling patterns e.g. when the suffix -ing is added to a word as well as the use of joined, legible handwriting. 

As readers, we explore a variety of texts and enjoy sharing a class book as well as individual reading books.

We will work on the development of our comprehension skills through learning how to skim and scan a text, how to look for clues in a text to deduce answers and how to answer more challenging inference questions.

In maths, we will focus on developing children’s skills in the four operations of number; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and how them to apply these to problem solving and reasoning.

We will teach other subject areas through half termly topics, these will have a number of different focuses which allows full coverage of the curriculum across the year.

Learning at home 

Children are expected to read at home daily, do Times Table Rock Stars daily and practise their spellings daily.

You can also help your child at home by asking them to write for different purposes and practising their spelling and handwriting regularly. along with reading with them and discussing their book each day. In addition, it is helpful to encourage children to practise their mental maths skills regularly and encouraging their recall to be as rapid as possible.

PE days for children in Year 2 are:

Thursday and Fridays