year 3
Miss Tonks and Miss Lumley are the Year 3 teaching team.
Your child will be choosing from a range of colour banded books which they will move through as they progress in their reading. In Key Stage 2 children always select their own book and although many children are now reading with greater independence, it is expected that your child will still read regularly to an adult at home.
Children will continue to have weekly spellings to learn, which will be sent home in a booklet form. They will be tested every Friday. In addition to this, children are also encouraged to practise their times tables at home via TT Rockstars. Children have also recently been given a login for Purple Mash which contains a wide range of activities that children can complete at school and at home
Learning at home
Children are expected to read at home daily, do Times Table Rock Stars daily and practise their spellings daily. Their weekly spelling test is on a Friday morning. Children will also have homework set on a Monday which is to be returned the following Monday. If this isn't completed at home, children will be asked to do it on the Monday lunchtime. We ask that the children become more independent with managing their homework themselves, with support from parents and carers, as part of their preparation for high school.
PE days for children in Year 3 are:
Wednesday and Thursday