year 4



Miss Hartley, Mrs Horton and Mrs Rogers are delighted to be teaching in Year 4.

Children will choose a reading book to match their interests and their reading level, and will change these once a week. Both classes also have a selection of books specially chosen by the teachers which we think will interest them- these are our 'Recommended Reads'.  The children must bring their reading books and diary to school every day so that they always have the correct book in school for when we read here. As parents and carers, we ask that you continue to hear your child read at home - even though some are now confident readers, it is important that they continue to read out loud to develop their fluency, as well as discuss what they have read with you to help their understanding.  

Children are expected to read at home daily, do Times Table Rock Stars daily and practise their spellings daily. Their weekly spelling test is on a Friday morning. Children will also have homework set on a Friday which is to be returned the following Friday. If this isn't completed at home, children will be asked to do it on the Friday lunchtime. We ask that the children become more independent with managing their homework as they progress through KS2. 

Learning at home 

Children are expected to read at home daily, do Times Table Rock Stars daily and practise their spellings daily. Their weekly spelling test is on a Friday morning. Children will also have homework set on a Monday which is to be returned the following Monday. If this isn't completed at home, children will be asked to do it on the Monday lunchtime. We ask that the children become more independent with managing their homework themselves, with support from parents and carers, as part of their preparation for high school. 

PE days for children in Year 4 are:

Tuesday and Wednesday