At Etching Hill, Collective Worship is an important time during which we can share in celebrating God's love and learning more about our Christian faith.  We aim to help the children to develop their spirituality, as well as becoming more understanding of the beliefs of others through stories, songs, drama, reflection and prayer.

Our school Christian values, which are at the heart of all that we do, are used as the foundation of our worship.  These values are important for all children to learn and understand whether they are from a Christian background or not.  Through bible stories, religious visitors and everyday examples, children come to know how Christianity impacts the world around them.

Children are involved in many aspects of worship, which they enjoy. Our daily acts of worship begin on Mondays as Whole School Worship led by Mrs Smith, our head teacher. On subsequent days class worship takes place, and in addition each cohort attends a special Prayer Morning held at our Church of the Holy Spirit once every half term. They are involved in the service led by our church schools leader Mrs Whitehouse and take part in a consolidation activity which is often continued at school.  Parents are invited to attend and sit with their child during the service, as well as help with the activities. Our Christian Council are also called upon to lead traditional aspects of worship e.g. leading prayers, reading from the bible and sharing the peace and The Grace.

We often welcome parents, family and friends to join pupils in Collective Worship both in school and at the Church of the Holy Spirit.

At Etching Hill we value the importance of prayer and reflection time for members of our school and our wider school community.  We have established reflection areas around school which can be used by the children and staff, including the development of our reflection garden which is being developed by our Christian Council along with members of our local community.

As we feel the practise of prayer and reflection is important to so many of our children and their families we would like to offer the chance for you to request prayers for yourself or others which we can include within our weekly worship.